Friday, February 6, 2015

Could We Be Finished?

As previously mentioned in the past 3 to 4 posts we have been working on the assembly of our square bot. Each day we have completed a sufficient amount of work in solid works. Today we finally believe that we will finish the square bot and continue on ahead in the building process of our bot. After today we hope to move on to the next assignment or if we don't finish we will then complete the remaining.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Assembling The Parts: V3

Today we are attempting to finish the squarebot on SolidWorks. We have completed a wholesome of work since our last post and are now on the way to making the parts become a whole. We are hoping to finish the bot by the end of today or tomorrow, its been challenging but has been worth the time and effort. Coming the following days we wish to complete any task preceding this one about the square bot.